To improve readability, choose a color combination with a greater contrast ratio or increase the content’s stroke width.
Font smoothing and anti-aliasing can affect the apparent color of some content, especially content with a low stroke width. If defining colors in an ARGB format (hex values of #AARRGGBB), note that non-opaque colors (those with an alpha-channel value of less than 255) may have a different apparent color due to blending with content rendered beneath them. Contrast ratios are measured based on the apparent color of an element’s foreground and background when layered on other elements. When using ImageView to render graphical content or iconography, make sure that contrast between foreground and background colors meets or exceeds the recommended ratios. At least 3.0:1 for large text (18 point and above regular or 14 point and above bold). At least 4.5:1 for small text (below 18 point regular or 14 point bold). When using TextView to display text, use android:textColor and android:background to define foreground and background colors with a high contrast ratio. There are many tools available for computing the contrast ratio of two neighboring colors, such as this color contrast ratio calculator. This ratio ranges from 1 to 21 (often written as 1:1 to 21:1), where increasing numbers mean higher contrast. When implementing an app's user interface, specify background and foreground colors with sufficient color contrast.Ī "contrast ratio" is a computation of the difference in luminance, or intensity of light emitted, between two neighboring colors when shown on a display. Sufficient color contrast makes text and images easier to read and comprehend.Īlong with benefiting users with various visual impairments, sufficient color contrast helps all users when viewing an interface on devices in extreme lighting conditions, such as when exposed to direct sunlight or on a display with low brightness. The colors you choose for your app interface affect how easily users can read and understand it.